OCCAM has added a Hitachi HT7700 120keV TEM/STEM to its cadre of instrumentation. The purchase was made possible through the generous support of three UofT engineering departments (Material Science & Engineering, Chemical Engineering & Applied Chemistry, Mechanical & Industrial Engineering). The tool is installed in the Department of Chemistry’s Centre for Nanostructure Imaging (CNI). The operation of the tool is a joint venture between OCCAM and CNI.
The new HT7700 complements existing tools, and meets the evolving demands of our extensive and diverse research community. The HT7700 is suitable for 4-dimensional STEM (4D-STEM) research of soft materials, including bio-organisms (previously-fixed), organic macromolecules and polymers, thin films and other beam-sensitive matter. The instrument will also be employed as a development platform for advancements in microscopy technology and applications. The tool will not only support leading-edge materials and technical research programs, it will seed and support cross-faculty collaborative research endeavours.
Hitachi High Technologies Canada , and strong and long-time partner of OCCAM, has been recognized for their profound and persistent contributions to leading-edge research and training at the University of Toronto.
Professor Ian Gilmore visited OCCAM and the Department of Chemical Engineering & Applied Chemistry to deliver an invited talk as part of the Lectures at the Leading Edge seminar series. Prof. Gilmore is Head of Science at the National Physical Laboratory (NPL). Slides from his talk, “Metabolic Imaging at the Single-cell Scale: Recent Advances and Future Challenges in Mass Spectrometry Imaging” can be found here.
The Ontario Centre for the Characterization of Advanced Materials (OCCAM) – a $20 million analytical laboratory at U of T’s Faculty of Applied Science & Engineering – has officially unveiled its newest machines and is ready to take on new industrial partnerships.
University of Toronto’s new $20M materials characterization facility opened the first phase of the operation with an afternoon of celebrations, talks, and tours. See the full story here.