Time of Flight Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometer


OCCAM’s ToF-SIMS V from ION-TOF GmbH. The tool is configured with multiple ion sources, including gas cluster ion technology for both profiling and spectrometry. The instrument’s load-lock is interfaced to an Ar glovebox, with <1ppm oxygen and moisture levels. The system is also coupled to a dedicated low energy ion scattering spectrometer (visible at the back of the instrument, in the image above).

High spectral, high spatial resolution ion spectrometry, imaging, and depth profiling.

Key Functionalities

  • surface-specific high mass resolution spectrometry
  • high spatial resolution secondary ion imaging
  • high depth resolution secondary ion depth profiling
  • high dimensionality raw datasets allowing for retrospective data analysis
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Key Configuration Parameters

  • highly configured, with multiple ion sources, including both liquid metal (Bi) and gas-cluster primary ion sources, as well as electron impact (rare gas, O2) and Caesium ion sources for profiling
  • extended dynamic range analyzer
  • sample cooling and heating (123K to 873K)
  • sample transfer device (for transfer of samples between remote infrastructure and characterization instrument)
  • integrated high-purity Ar glovebox (for transfer of air/moisture sensitive samples)

For more information contact Peter Brodersen.

Open Centre for the Characterisation of Advanced Materials