All posts by Peter Brodersen

OCCAM Hosts Ian Gilmore for Lecture at the Leading Edge

Professor Ian Gilmore visited OCCAM and the Department of Chemical Engineering & Applied Chemistry to deliver an invited talk as part of the Lectures at the Leading Edge seminar series. Prof. Gilmore is Head of Science at the National Physical Laboratory (NPL). Slides from his talk, “Metabolic Imaging at the Single-cell Scale: Recent Advances and Future Challenges in Mass Spectrometry Imaging” can be found here.

OCCAM Researchers Apply Modern characterization techniques to the Study of Ancient Artifacts

OCCAM research staff, in collaboration with Queen’s University Professors Amandina Anastassiades and Cristiana Zaccagnino, have assessed the viability of utilizing a combination of specialized material characterization techniques (electron microscopy and various surface spectroscopies) to study of Roman coins from the Diniacopoulos Collection of Central and Eastern Mediterranean Antiquities.

Associated publication – Zaccagnino et al., JVST B, 36, 03F104 (2018)

See story here.