- High-end, small-spot XPS
- Monochromated AI Kα X-ray source
- Variable spot – 15-400 µm
- Dual anode (Mg/Ag) non-monochromated X-ray source
- Effective charge compensation
- Ar+ ion gun for depth profiling, Zalar rotation possible
- Parallel ARXPS (60° range). Sample not physically tilted
- 2-d multi-channel detector
- Large area sample platen
- Special mount for heating/cooling
- Field emission gun for Auger/SEM
- Multi-port preparation chamber with heating/cooling, sample parking and port for vacuum/cryo “suitcase”
ThermoFisher Scientific ThetaProbe
Parallel Angle XPS
Oxide thickness on a Ga-In eutectic alloy: An ARXPS study
(Sodhi et al, San. Soc. Chem. Conference, Quebec 2013)
ARXPS spectra for Ga3d/In4d region. 16 angles collected, pass energy – 50 eV.
Fitted spectra on left was spectrum at 44.375°. These spectra could not be obtained on a more conventional spectrometer as the sample would have to be tilted.
“One-stop shopping at the frontiers of material characterisation.”
Open Centre for the Characterisation of Advanced Materials