- Automated, compact XPS
- Monochromated AI Kα X-ray source
- Variable spot – 30-400 µm
- Effective charge compensation
- Ar+ ion gun for depth profiling, Zalar rotation possible
- 128 channel detector – rapid spectral acquisition
- Large area sample platen for mounting sample(s)
- Ease of selection of analysis area
- Wedges (20° & 30°) allow ARXPS to be performed
- All aspects digitally controllable and capable of automation, including data work-up and report generation
- High volume, rapid throughput
ThermoFisher Scientific K-Alpha+ |
High throughput XPS
X-Ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy
from Krull’s group – UTM
- Incident X-rays cause photo-emission of electrons from the surface – energy analysed
- Binding energies are characteristic of each element – can be used for identification
- Binding energy of a particular electron affected by the atom’s environment – chemical information via the “chemical shift”
“One-stop shopping at the frontiers of material characterisation”
Open Centre for the Characterisation of Advanced Materials