KLA-Tencor P16+ Surface Profilometer
- 2-d line profiles
- 3-d mapping
- Low force option
- Extended (1 mm) range (z)
- Long scan (200 mm) length (x)
- 20 site sequencing (line/map) capability
Leica EM UC6/FC6 Cryo-Ultramicrotome
- Sectioning of biological and other samples at temperatures from -15° to -185°C
- Virtual connection to ToF-SIMS, XPS and preparation chambers via side port for vacuum/cryo “suitcase”
Leica EM TXP Target Sectioning System
- Stereo microscope to easily view target area
- Ease of use. Sawing, milling, grinding and polishing exactly to target – no need to remove sample
Vacuum/Cryo “Suitcase”
- Virtual connection of preparation chambers, ToF-SIMS, Thetaprobe XPS and cryo-ultra microtome
Preparation/Reaction Chambers
“One-stop shopping at the frontiers of material characterisation”
Open Centre for the Characterisation of Advanced Materials