Access to OCCAM resources, including both instrumentation and staff, is subject o user fees. These fees are used to support facility operations including staff salaries, instrument consumables, repairs, and maintenance contracts (on selected tools). Fees for staff time are de-coupled from instrument access fees. Both are charged on an hourly basis.
There are separate fee structures for academic and for-profit users. All users, regardless of their jurisdiction, pay the same rate. Rates are periodically reviewed to ensure that they are (i) reflective of actual operating costs, and (ii) consistent with nominally similar access elsewhere.
Instrument Access Fees
Fee structures for electron microscopy infrastructure, surface analysis tools, sample preparation equipment, and consumables are available via these links (academic/not-for-profit, private sector/for-profit). For users that are certified to operate the instrumentation independently, these are the fees that will be charged.
- The rates quoted include instrument time only. These fees do not include operator/scientist time for operation.
- Instrument charges are applied for all time that the tool is occupied. This includes time for setting up the experiment, preparing the instrument for acquisition, acquiring data, any on-instrument data reduction, sample removal, and work-station clean-up.
- The quoted prices are subject to change without notice.
Personnel Resources
OCCAM personnel can be leveraged to collaborate in research programs, train facility users, perform measurements, and prepare analysis reports. Their time for these activities are charged on an hourly basis and can be applied in parallel with instrument charges.
Current access fees for personnel are available here.