OCCAM is very pleased to announce our move to phase 2 of re-opening. In line with recent changes in University policies regarding access to research spaces, OCCAM is increasing in-person activities within the facility. Beginning March 14/2022, we will welcome back faculty, staff, and HQP to our research space. Details can be found here.
Category Archives: Operations
OCCAM Adds New Hitachi HT7700 TEM/STEM
OCCAM has added a Hitachi HT7700 120keV TEM/STEM to its cadre of instrumentation. The purchase was made possible through the generous support of three UofT engineering departments (Material Science & Engineering, Chemical Engineering & Applied Chemistry, Mechanical & Industrial Engineering). The tool is installed in the Department of Chemistry’s Centre for Nanostructure Imaging (CNI). The operation of the tool is a joint venture between OCCAM and CNI.
The new HT7700 complements existing tools, and meets the evolving demands of our extensive and diverse research community. The HT7700 is suitable for 4-dimensional STEM (4D-STEM) research of soft materials, including bio-organisms (previously-fixed), organic macromolecules and polymers, thin films and other beam-sensitive matter. The instrument will also be employed as a development platform for advancements in microscopy technology and applications. The tool will not only support leading-edge materials and technical research programs, it will seed and support cross-faculty collaborative research endeavours.
For inquiries, please contact peter.brodersen@utoronto.ca.
To book the tool, please visit https://sites.chem.utoronto.ca/cni/content/booking