
Graduate student at work on HF3300 environmental TEM.

OCCAM, is a world-class collaborative, research, training, and technical development resource providing access to advanced surface analytical and electron microscopy infrastructure and expertise.  Details of the bulk, interfaces, and surfaces of a large range of advanced materials are revealed on scales from the macro to the atomic in support of hundreds of high-impact research programs across a diverse array of fields.

OCCAM’s research focus is on both providing leading-edge materials characterization support to its large user community, as well as to push the frontiers of measurement. The facility is composed of three primary nodes:

  • Electron Microscopy (PT167, LM50) – comprehensively equipped with SEMs (4), TEMs (2), a dual-column FIB tool, and an array of sample preparation infrastructure.
  • Surface Science (WB104/107/108/111) – with state-of-the-art XPS systems (3), ToF-SIMS, SAM, LEIS, AFM, and profilometry, OCCAM’s surface lab is one of Canada’s best-equipped surface analytical laboratories.
  • Sample Preparation and supporting characterization (PT164, WB104) – an extensive cadre of sample sectioning, polishing, grinding, and coating infrastructure, as well as several complementary characterization tools (including light microscopes, hardness testers) provide facility research support.

Open Centre for the Characterisation of Advanced Materials